Hello Pretty people…!

Hope you all are safe and doing good.

Plants are love. After knowing the benefits of plants, I will make sure that you all love to grow plants in your house. and if you are a beginner and don't know about plants and wants to grow plants in your house, read my this blog _https://perfectlyimperfecttales.blogspot.com/2020/09/hypretty-people.html

Indoor plants having lots of benefits and they change your overall house appearance, Apart from that they boost your mood, increase creativity, increase productivity. They help in reducing stress and also most important it eliminates air pollutants and makes your house healthier, happier space for you.

I personally believe plants having magic .plants having positive energy that makes you feel happy and energetic.

When I feel low, I love to walk in a park between the trees and plants .when we get in touch with nature, we reduce our mental stress while increasing relaxation and self –esteem.

Back to Nature:

While knowing the benefits of nature, we also not deny that these days due to increasing population, Trees are cutting down to build a houses apartments for living.

We are humans and if humans cut the trees, They also grow lots of plants.so, lets "BACK TO NATURE" as we already know the natures benefit and how nature helping us in mental health.

If you are living in apartments and you think that you don’t have enough space to grow any plants. I have your answers.

Plants help ourself to stress-free. it's not that tough, there are many indoor plants which you grow in apartments balcony or inside the house/apartments and yes they help you to grow.

If you moving to new apartments or new places. Here I am suggesting 20 indoor plants that makes your house look good and helps you to keep alive and adding some more years in your life spam.

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Pothos: There are many types of pothos and very easy to take care of them.

Pothos are the best plant to help you to decorate your house .pothos has many names including golden pothos, hunters robe, ivy arum, money plant and taro vine. The other name devils ivy is because it's nearly impossible to kill and stays alive even when kept in the dark.

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Snake plant: Snake plant is also best for the bright and indirect light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. for snake plant, you have to avoid overwatering and you also keep this plant in low light areas.

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Rubber plant: Rubber plant need less light, avoid this plant to keep in direct sunlight. These plants need more water in summer and less in winter.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Areca Palm tree: Areca palm tree needs light, constant filtered sunlight, not direct sunlight and for water needs enough water to slightly moist the soil.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Swiss cheese plant: swiss cheese plant needs moderately moist soil and high humidity.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Mass Cane: Mass Cane plant needs moderate light and just enough water to mist the soil ,allow the soil surface to become dry to touch before watering again.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Peace Lilly: Peace Lilly needs bright, indirect light .keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.

 Image Source:Unsplash

ZZ Plant (Zanzibar Gem): ZZ plant needs medium to low indirect light .water 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Image Source:Unsplash

Aloe vera: Aloe vera needs medium to indirect sunlight , avoid direct sunlight .water when the soil dries out and avoid overwatering.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Indian basil (Tulsi): use a light, your plant tolerates some shades , so full sun is not required, but keep this plant in that place where sunlight comes .avoid overwatering, use well-draining soil that is enriched with organic materials.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Zebra Plant: keeps Zebra plant in bright, filtered light , avoid direct sunlight and its soil consistently moist.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Wondering Jew: Wondering jew needs indirect sunlight .keep the soil slightly moist but don’t water directly into the crown as it will cause an unsightly rot in your wandering jew plant.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Chinese Evergreen: needs moderate watering –not too much, not too little. Chinese evergreen needs partial sunlight (avoid direct sunlight).

 Image Source:Unsplash

Spider plant: Spider plant grow in conditions ranging from semi-shady to partial direct sunlight. In summer water moderately, in winter give water occasionally to this plant.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Boston Fern: Needs bright, indirect sunlight, avoid direct sunlight. water when required, do not allow the soil to dry out.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Desert rose: Desert rose needs filtered sunlight and moderately moist soil.

 Image Source:Unsplash

The Cactus: Make sure the soil is dry between waterings . Needs direct sunlight.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Jade Plant: Jade plant needs very bright light.water them when the soil dries out.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Hibiscus Plant: Needs direct sunlight. Container hibiscus should be watered daily.

 Image Source:Unsplash

Fig Tree: Water the fig tree once per week or more, depending on how humid your area is. Allow the fig tree to dry out for a day or two between waterings. Place the plant in an area that receives medium to bright light.

Here, are the above 20 indoor plants that not required much care and lots of sunlight and lots of water.

If you are also a beginner and plant lover then try out these above plants to grow in your house and see how they change your house appearance and mental health.

If you have any question related to any plants or about this blog, please let me know, I would love to answers your questions.

That’s it for today’s blog. Hope this blog will help you anyways . Give your responses in comment section. If you like, please subscribe and share with your loved ones.

Happy Blogging

 Shilpi Suman



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