A New Generation : With Less Worries And Better Alternatives.


Hello Pretty people…!

Hope you all are safe and doing good.Todays blog is all about "A new generation : with less worries and better alternatives"

Last Sunday I went for a badminton play and after so many years of gap, I played for 15 min . That was an awesome game for me .During that 15 minutes of game i was recalling all my childhood things, like during schooling. Playing games, Badminton, Everything was amazing and that time my body was perfectly active and fit.

After 15 min, one perfect high shot came from another side of badminton court and I jumped high and I slip and yes my ankle twists and I got severe ankle sprain and from past 3 days I'm on bed rest and still thinking about again I will go for playing sports now.

In fact, I'm planning to play on every weekend now.

Why I made this decision?

Sports is a crucial part of any peoples growth and development. It helps you with mental health and physical fitness.

Here are some benefits which you take from sports :

Improve physical and mental health: One of the best benefits of sports is that they improve your physical and mental health. Any person who involved in any sports is a more active person than a normal person who doesn’t do any physical exercises. Playing sports means strengthing your physical coordination, your body strength and improving your mental power also.

Give life lessons/Acceptance: Be passionate about your goals and work hard and you will see the results. loosing and winning is the part of the game and in life also. So, sometimes you get disappointed but don’t worry, life is always going forward don’t look back, learn to look forward and live the life.

Time management and discipline: Sportsperson always gives importance to time. sports is all about time and that's why all the sportsperson value the time .and if you will start value your time you will get discipline also.

Improve  team building qualities and leadership qualities: some of the sports played by a single person but also some of the sports are played by a team and when you are working in any team, you have to take care of each and every persons thoughts and works.

Gain self-confidence: Every sports have some rules and sportsperson have to follow those rules. like that life has ups and down also but follow your mind and do what you like, it automatically gain your self confidence.

Winning and Losing is just a part of life /Game: Every game has the same rules, one team will lose and another will win that game. same like life sometimes we have to accept the truth and learn the lessons from your mistakes and move forward towards your next win.

People can learn positives and healthy mental skills , Including leadership and dedication. Playing sports is a key to your success to reduce your stress and make your life easy.

So , every time I am suggesting you guys do some physical exercise, don’t sit any one place for a long time. if you don’t want to play any sports, only walk. if you don’t have enough space to walk, walk on your stairs. Go for weekend play. Do exercises at your home, Do yoga .you should do what you like and enjoy your life with happy way.

That’s it for today’s blog. Hope this blog will help you anyways. Give your responses in the comment section. If you like, please subscribe and share with your loved ones. What do you guys think about my this blog? Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Shilpi suman 



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