Start walking from today!


2 days before, I was sitting on my bed and suddenly my left knee was paining very badly that time I don’t know what happened.

And I was thinking so many things like, at this age, I have knee pain, why did happen, the knee is the main part of walking, without knee I never walk properly, or I have to visit to doctor, so many questions came to my mind that time.

I thought rest for some time and see, after 1 hour, the pain was same.

So I thought let's go for walk on terrace .maybe walking solves my problem.

And it really helps me in my pain, my pain was not reduced fully but it helps me to walk and it feels like my joints are okay now.

Hello Pretty People,

Hope you all are safe and doing well. This pandemic gives us so many up-downs. Every single people got affected by this pandemic. They succeed in to be safe, not everyone but most of the people .we doesn’t know when, but someday we again step out, go to the office, starts our businesses .it’s been 9 months now.

In this pandemic, we learn so many new things, some of the people take rest at home, and some of the people start new things.

Seriously if I don’t have most of the work, I am on my bed.

Hoping that the situation over soon and we come back to our normal life.


We come back with a new problem with us.

YES, you all heard right. In this pandemic most of the people are on bed .so our body is stopped working at some point of the time. Our body is like a machine .so, we have to run the machine, otherwise, the machine gets jam.

Before pandemic, I was the woman whose step count is more than 12000 while working in the office but during the pandemic, my steps count are like 200-300 or max 500.

Am I doing good for my body? Please, everyone who is reading this blog ask yourself once, are you doing fair with your body?

NO, the answer is clearly “NO”. Your body is your greatest asset so, please take care of that.

Invest in your body and see you will achieve everything, what we want in our life. Our body is pure fine, our mind is also good and concentrate on our work and achieve success.

SO, what are you waiting for, whom for you waiting?

Start from today, invest only one hour daily and see the results.

In this one hour, we can do yoga and walk both. Like give 15 mins for yoga and remaining 45 mins do what you love to do like, walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics, dance etc.

Walking is the most essential and important exercise and by walking we only get lots of benefits.

Some of the benefits are:

It’s free:

You don’t have to invest money in this .its fully free and you can walk anywhere like on your terrace, in your apartment, in the park.

Longer life:

Research says that if you can walk for 15 mins every day, its add your life for 3 more years .so, clearly, it helps you for your longer life.

Weight loss:

Yes, you heard right .walking helps you in weight loss helps you to burn calories.

Mood refreshment:

Walking reduces stress. Its boosts the productions of stress-busting endorphins. This in return reduces the stress hormones and reduce any sign of depression.

Muscles strength:

Walking is good for your thighs, glutes, calves and your whole body too. It’s best for your leg strength.

Improves sleep:

Walking is the most effective and essay physical activity that helps you to improve your sleep.

Improve breathing:

Breathing is something whose value we know when people short of breath. When we walk with good postures, it improves the flow of oxygen into and whole body and it helps you to take a deep breath.

Strong Joints:

Regular walks maintain and build muscles, which you need to support your knee and maintain functioning.

That’s it for today’s blog. Hope this blog will help you anyways. Give your responses in the comment section. And do not wait for any moment to do this, start from now only. 





  1. Replies
    1. Thank you kuuuush ❤️
      Start walking from today #keep walking and #behealthly 😍😍

  2. It was a flabbergasted thing to know...
    Sahi haiπŸ‘

  3. It was a flabbergasted thing to know...
    Sahi haiπŸ‘


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