Importance of having a pet in your life

Hello pretty people.

Today’s blog is all about "Importance of having a pet in your life"

Having a pet in your life is the most beautiful feelings. From childhood, I am introvert and I don't talk too much with peoples .we introvert wants someone to share our feelings. For us one of the best feelings to have a pet in our life. Having a pet in our life is a blessing. I am a Dog /Pet lover, since childhood and during this period, I learned so many things about Dog/Pet. There is one story that comes to mind while writing this. In childhood, my grandfather rescued one parrot from our farm. The parrot was injured and didn't able to fly. After two months of care again she can fly and on 15th  august my grandfather free that parrot. Earlier I have lots of dogs and every time I helped street dogs, I never buy any dogs and I suggest you the same. Recently I have Bella with me she is my fish and she is not an early wake-up fish. She likes sleeping as like me, every time when you have any pet with you, there is a connection between you two .They understand you and talk to you also. Here I share my thoughts, why you should also have a pet in your life:

  • They Love you Unconditionally:
Your pet is the only animals that love you unconditionally without any doubt. No matter what animals you have bonded with will always loves you and remember you .Even you cannot return that much love to your pet.

  • Physical Benefit:
Having a pet in your life means you will live long. Animals are more active than humans. They want to play with you. Go for a walk with your pet and everyone knows walking is good for your health. you feel healthy, you are physically active, it means you will live longer.

  • Emotionally Healthy:
Your pet feels you. They know you .when you are sad when you are happy when you are tired. If you are suffering from depression and anxiety, they heal you. They love you all the time .your pet has the power to understand you. Pets are more emotionally attached with you than human beings.Human don't know about your current mindset till than you say your problems with anyone but your pet have this power to feel you and heal you. They emotionally attached to you.

  • Caring Nature:
They care about you. If you got hurt in front of your Dog/Pet, they become sad. They understand your pain. They have sense of loneliness and help you to become a good person.

  • Adopt Rescue Animals:
Before thinking of buying any pets, please think twice. Adopt rescue animals. they need shelter, they need food, they need love and care, which you surely give .Everytime peoples think about to buy the dog/Animals from the store or they want breed dog .but what about the animals who don't have anything and they need your love. A pet can also teach you about responsibility and everyone knows if here I talk about dog means the dog knows their responsibilities, if you have a dog in your house, I don't think any thief ever try to enter in your house. if your dog stays with your child, your children start taking responsibility from childhood.

If you want more love in your life, invest your time in animals, adopt any animals. Dogs might be just a small part of your life but for them, we are the whole world. At first, if you are not an animal lover, at the end of the day you surely love them and they become your part of a family.

That’s it for today’s blog. Hope this blog will help you anyways. Give your responses in the comment section. Please share my posts, if you liked it.

💓Keep loving and Have a pet in your life💝



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